Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Sometimes we see an entity in the periphery of our field of vision. In the duality of our reality, these entities can be positive or negative. They may look like a spark of light, (a soul spark and our true essence,) most often viewed as white light moving between grid realities. On occasion one sees a dark form, or forms, referred to as Shadow People. This is about consciousness momentarily moving between the grids that create our reality. There are many grid experiences simultaneously interacting with our own. Sometimes we get a glimpse into another, if only for a nanosecond. Some people are more aware, while others just move on. Shadow people (also known as Shadow men, shadow folk, or shadow beings) are said to be shadow like creatures of supernatural origin that appear as dark forms in the peripheries of people's vision and disintegrate, or move between walls, when noticed. Reports of shadow people are similar to ghost sightings, but differ in that shadow people are not reported as having human features, wearing modern/period clothing, or attempting to communicate. Witnesses also do not report the same feelings of being in the presence of something that 'was once human'. Some individuals have described being menaced, chased, or (more rarely) attacked by shadow people. There have also been reports of shadow people appearing in front of witnesses or lingering for several seconds before disappearing. Witnesses report that encounters are typically accompanied by a feeling of dread. Most accounts of shadow people describe them as black humanoid silhouettes with no discernible mouths, noses, eyes, or any expression whatsoever, though purported witnesses have also described child-sized humanoids or shapeless masses. Some reports also include glowing red eyes. Generally, they are described as lacking mass, though their specific nature varies from a two-dimensional shadow to a vaporous or distorted three-dimensional form. Their movement is often described as being very quick and disjointed; they may first move slowly, as if they were passing through a heavy liquid, and then rapidly "hop" to another part of a witness' surroundings. Some witnesses describe this movement as though the shadow entities they have seen "danced" from one wall to the next, or as moving around the room "as if they were on a specific track". Some accounts differ from the above and instead describe a completely black creature with red eyes, a cloak, and a gentleman's hat. This variation has become known as "the hat man".


Anonymous said...

I've heard of shadow people and seen a movie about them - can't remember what it was called. I really don't believe they exist. I think they can only exist in people's imagination for many reasons mainly psychological - such as distress after the loss of a loved one or low self esteem or even an obsession with the parnormal.

Anonymous said...

I think that many times people need to relate to extra sensory situations just to escape from reality.

Katie said...

I often see shadow people/animals out of the corner of my eye or feel some kind of presence, only to be told later that the location I was in has some history or story about being haunted.

Anastasia Marou said...

Well, all this sounds quite scary and spooky to me. I'm not very much into psychic or extra-sensory phenomena but as far as I know, shadow people are negative thoughts or negative energy which apparently take the form of humanoid silhouettes.